Gramin Ayurvedic Chikitsak - Rajasthan Public Service Commission, Gramin Ayurvedic Chikitsak in rpsc
Rajasthan Public Service Commission began its operations from the year 1949 on the 16th of August and it offered for the elimination of Public Service Commissions or other institutions performing the duties of Public Service Commissions in the constituent states. The commission is responsible for recruitment of candidates for different government jobs in the state of Rajasthan.
When the state of Rajasthan was formed, Public Service Commission existed only in three of the total 22 covenanting states namely Bikaner, Jodhpur and Jaipur. Therefore, after the formulation of the state of Rajasthan, the Rajasthan Public Service Commission was established after the aforesaid states were brought under one umbrella in the name of state of Rajasthan.
Recruitment by RPSC:
Rajasthan Public Service Commission has invited applications from eligible candidates for the position of Gramin Ayurvedic Chikitsak, which denotes Village Ayurveda Doctors/Medical Officer.
Name of the position: Gramin Ayurvedic Chikitsak/Village Ayurveda Doctors/Medical Officer
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